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Language/Type: Java method basics return
Author: Marty Stepp (on 2018/05/01)

Write a method named enoughTimeForLunch that accepts four integers hour1, minute1, hour2, and minute2 as parameters. Each pair of parameters represents a time on the 24-hour clock (for example, 1:36 PM would be represented as 13 and 36). The method should return true if the gap between the two times is long enough to eat lunch: that is, if the second time is at least 45 minutes after the first time. Otherwise the method should return false.

You may assume that all parameter values are valid: the hours are both between 0 and 23, and the minute parameters are between 0 and 59. You may also assume that both times represent times in the same day, e.g. the first time won't represent a time today while the second time represents a time tomorrow. Note that the second time might be earlier than the first time; in such a case, your method should return false.

Here are some example calls to your method and their expected return results:

Call Value Returned
enoughTimeForLunch(11, 00, 11, 59) true
enoughTimeForLunch(12, 30, 13, 00) false
enoughTimeForLunch(12, 30, 13, 15) true
enoughTimeForLunch(14, 20, 17, 02) true
enoughTimeForLunch(12, 30, 9, 30) false
enoughTimeForLunch(12, 00, 11, 55) false
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