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Language/Type: Java classes instance methods
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Author: Marty Stepp (on 2018/05/01)

Write an instance method rewind to be placed inside the Date class. The method accepts an integer representing a number of days as a parameter and modifies the Date's state by moving it backward in time by that many days. You may assume that the value passed is non-negative, but it could be very large, causing the Date to wrap into previous month(s) or year(s).

For example, if these Date objects are declared in client code:

Date jan10 = new Date(1, 10);
Date sep19 = new Date(9, 19);
Date nov30 = new Date(11, 30);

The following calls should change their state as indicated:

sep19.rewind(0);         // 9/19
sep19.rewind(5);         // 9/14
sep19.rewind(15);        // 8/30
jan10.rewind(11);        // 12/30 (of last year)
nov30.rewind(365 + 364); // 12/1 (two years ago)
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